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Bellevue Soccer Club

Bellevue Soccer Club

Characteristics of a U10 Player

  • Lengthened attention span - they are still in motion, but not as busy, only holding still long enough for a short explanation
  • More inclined toward wanting to play rather than being told to play
  • Psychologically becoming slightly firmer and more confident
  • Some are becoming serious about their play
  • Team oriented – prefer team type balls and equipment. Enjoy the uniforms and team association.
  • Boys and girls beginning to develop separately
  • Developing the pace factor – thinking ahead

Characteristics of a U12 Player

  • All children are maturing at different rates and are sensitive to that fact.
  • Need to warm-up and stretch as muscle pulls and other nagging injuries tend to become more common.
  • Typically understand elemental abstract concepts and hypothetical situations.
  • They like to solve problems.
  • Peer evaluation is a constant.
  • Egos are sensitive.
  • Coordination may depend on whether or not they are in a growth spurt.
  • Technique still needs to be reinforced constantly.
  • Playing too much can lead to overuse injuries.
  • Playing too much and not feeling like they have a choice in the matter can lead to burnout and drop-out.
  • This is the dawn of tactics!
  • Keep asking the players to be creative and to take risks.
  • Ask for feedback from them. They will tell you how things are going.
  • Try to hand over leadership and ownership of the team to them. They will enjoy leading and it will add to the learning environment.

Characteristics of a U13+ Player

  • The more advanced players can execute the range of skills, but most others are still developing previously taught skills and are now being exposed to these additional skills.
  • Important psychosocial implications for a child entering puberty – early or late.
  • Popularity influences self-esteem.
  • Tests limits - a know-it-all attitude.
  • Fertile period to learn – full of eagerness.
  • Tend to be quite self-critical and may need regular positive reinforcement.
  • Bodies are going through physical changes that affect personal appearance
  • There will be significant differences in physical maturation rates between individuals.
  • Rapid growth spurts of the skeleton leave ligaments, tendons and muscles catching up, so coordination and balance are astray.
  • Temporary gangly movement may result in a loss of touch on the ball.
  • Players do not always make the connection between their growth spurt and the temporary loss of form; they need help realizing that everything will come back into synch in six to 18 months.


Bellevue Soccer Club
PO Box 692 
Bellevue, Nebraska 68123

Phone: 402-291-0886
Email: [email protected]

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