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Bellevue Soccer Club

Bellevue Soccer Club

TOPSoccer is cancelled for April  28 due to incoming rain and wet fields.


Registration for our Fall 2024 Season is now open!

CLICK HERE to register online.  We still do not have online payments working yet, so please mail your check/cash to 15711 Howard Street, Omaha, NE 68118, or bring it the first day of the season.

CLICK HERE to download our Registration Form.

CLICK HERE to download our Physicians Release Form.  Please update this at least once a year or if there have been any significant updates that our coaches and staff need to know about your athlete.

What is TOPSoccer

The Outreach Program (TOP) for Soccer is a co-ed soccer league for athletes ages 4 to Adult who have a physical, intellectual or social disability that inhibits their ability to play soccer in a recreational, competitive or other community league.  

Our program, founded in 2002 and originally designed by US Youth Soccer, focuses on the development, training and participation of individual athletes while enjoying a game of soccer as a member of a team. 

Our program emphasizes personal achievement and meaningful participation, rather than competition.

TOPSoccer is open to residents of Bellevue, Omaha, Papillion, LaVista, Ralston, Council Bluffs, Glenwood and other communities within the Douglas, Sarpy, Cass and Pottawattamie counties. 

CLICK HERE to download our TOPSoccer Flier and learn more about our program.

TOPS Mission & Goals

The purpose of the BSC TOPSoccer program is to enable athletes with physical, intellectual or social disabilities to enhance their skills and capabilities and enjoy a meaningful game of soccer in a safe and inclusive environment.

The BSC TOPSoccer Program has three major goals:

  1.  Athletes will HAVE FUN.
  2.  Athletes will GROW their soccer and social skills, confidence and self-esteem, and overall fitness.
  3.  Athletes will BELONG to their soccer team and community.

Without compromising their safety, our program encourages athletes to be as self-reliant as possible. We strive to have athletes participate and grow in their accomplishments and have fun while they do it.

TOPS Session

We host two, 6-week seasons a year, one in the Spring and one in the Fall.  Teams will meet on Sunday afternoons for a 1-hour session from either 2-3 or 3-4 PM.  

BSC TOPSoccer wants our athletes to experience the same things as other leisure and competitive soccer leagues, so every session will include both practice and a soccer game.  Our players wear soccer uniforms and play on soccer fields with official nets/goals.  Modifications are made to the game to allow full participation and enjoyment for each player.

  • First 30 Minutes = PRACTICE with focus on soccer fundamentals like dribbling, passing, trapping and shooting.
  • Second 30 Minutes = GAME with teammates divided up and every athlete given the opportunity to play.
  • Athletes are encouraged to play fairly, share the ball with their teammates, work together and do their best.
  • We do not keep score, nor are there referees or penalties called during the games.
  • We will take breaks as needed, and athletes are encouraged to take breaks or make other accommodations to see to their needs during a session.

We encourage parents, family and friends to bring their chairs and cheer on your athletes as they practice and play!

Season Schedule


  • September 15
  • September 22
  • September 29
  • October 6
  • October 13
  • October 20 (Awards and Pizza Party)

Sessions will run from 2 to 3 PM on Fields 12N, 12S or 13.

Be sure to bring your team jersey, socks, shin guards, soccer ball and water to each session.


Registration for our Fall 2024 season is now open. 

TOPSoccer registration information and forms can be found here:  TOPS Registration

The cost is only $20 per athlete.

Thanks to Our Sponsors!

Our program is made possible thanks to the generous donations of our sponsors, including:

Contact Us

For more information, questions, to be added to our e-mail list, or to volunteer as a coach or player Buddy, please contact the BSC TOPSoccer Director at [email protected]


Bellevue Soccer Club
PO Box 692 
Bellevue, Nebraska 68123

Phone: 402-291-0886
Email: [email protected]

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